Our Commitment


At I&V-BIO we commit to provide a first class service regardless the size of your business.

All live Artemia products are delivered on a daily basis 
365 days/year.

Additionally we also offer
other Artemia products, diets and health products.


At I&V-BIO we commit:

  • To be locally present in the market.
  • Listen to our stakeholders and create more user friendly products.
  • To be a helpful provider in your business.

Innovation gives us the chance to become a standard in the Artemia industry by providing consistent quality.


At I&V-BIO we commit to continuously 
improve balance with nature
through the use of eco-friendly products.

We have equipped all our facilities with customized programs, protocols and back-ups.


At I&V-BIO we commit to provide a first class service regardless the size of your business.

All live Artemia products are delivered on a daily basis 
365 days/year.

Additionally we also offer
other Artemia products, diets and health products.


At I&V-BIO we commit to continuously 
improve balance with nature
through the use of eco-friendly products.

We have equipped all our facilities with customized programs, protocols and back-ups.


At I&V-BIO we commit to:

  • To be locally present in the market.
  • Listen to our stakeholders and create more user friendly products.
  • To be a helpful provider in your business.

Innovation gives us the chance to become a standard in the Artemia industry by providing consistent quality.

Who we are

I&V BIO, an innovative supplier of products and services which are unparalleled in the aquaculture industry.

Founded in 2012 by Luk Van Nieuwenhove and Frank Indigne,
a team with more than 25 years of expertise in aquaculture.

The company started with a first concept facility in Chonburi Thailand. (Meanwhile we transformed this facility to our current testing center).
In 2014 I&V-BIO moved to a new and bigger facility in Phang Nga (Thailand).

With locations in Thailand, India(3), Indonesia, Ecuador and Vietnam followed by Mexico, Bangladesh and Europe we will cover the main aquaculture markets.

Why choose us

The quality of our products is guaranteed, based on many years of experience, know-how and innovation.

We deliver daily, live and ready to use Artemia instar1 Nauplii and enriched Artemia Nauplii (INSTART Energy).

Through daily deliveries we understand better the needs and requirements of our customers which enables us to create new and better products.

  • Clean and Pure
  • Vibrio free
  • Excellent survival
  • Ready to use
  • Daily delivered
  • Consistent Nauplii count
Total days of uninterrupted deliveries since 3 December 2012
Active facilities
0 +
+ 1
Years of expertise in aquaculture

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